If you have suffered a recent car accident, trip and fall, sports collision, or repetitive work injury, you may be having some joint problems in the spine and neck we have joints that are connected together with ligaments but in the spine we have a total of nine surrounding each bone. These ligaments are designed to maintain stability for the spinal column so that the bones do not misalign and compress, pinch, or sever the spinal cord, which would impair oxygen, blood and energy control to our organs and muscles. In our spine and neck we also have discs. These discs are called intervertebral discs. The discs are primarily cartilage on the outside with a center that is a gel water substance. Our discs act as shock absorbers when we walk, run or jump to allow forces to be spread out along our spine. These discs also allow space between each bone in the spine for nerves to exit out into the body. All of these ligaments and discs can be injured once or repetitively. Bones will shift out o...
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