Arrhythmia's are commonly precursors to heart disease, heart attacks, and neurological dysfunctions. Do you ever feel your heart racing in your chest for hours for no reason? Do you ever feel your heart beating abnormally and you can’t catch your breath even if you’re not exerting too much energy? Do you ever feel your heart is beating irregularly for long periods of time making you not feel very good? All of these instances are arrhythmia's. All of these signs should motivate you to go to your doctor and get checked by your family doctor or cardiologist. Commonly, after an exam determining an arrhythmia, you will most likely have to take a beta blocker or other heart regulating medication. You may even have to get a pacemaker. Now on the other side in the chiropractic field heart problems are viewed in different ways. Not discounting the need for medication but addressing the issue that’s causing the heart dysfunction. What do we know?



The nervous system controls the oxygen for the heart muscles, blood supply, and the energy or electricity that regulates and controls regular heartbeats. If bones in your neck or mid back are shifted out of place more than two millimeters, the fact is nerve functioning to the heart can be effected. If the structural shape of your neck or your upper back is weakened or distorted from normal, 30 percent heart dysfunction can occur. How would misalignment's or a weakened curve in your neck occur? Small traumas, whiplash, trips and falls, concussions, bad ergonomics, etc. We know as embryos our heart starts beating before we develop our brain. We know the heart is affected by physical, chemical and emotional stress. That means if your heart is not getting physical exercise to strengthen it it will be weak. If you’re not detoxifying your body with cleanses it’s making the heart sick. Living day to with high anxiety not doing any stress relieving exercises your heart is going to get sick. That’s a guarantee. If you’re tired of having these problems, get checked by a chiropractor, let us know if you have questions.


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