In our community today we are definitely struggling with an epidemic of autism and kids in the autism spectrum. You may see 1 out of every 68 kids born with autism presently, whereas in 1980 it was 1 out of every hundred thousand. It is controversial on the cause of autism. Researchers question genetics, environmental exposures, chemical toxicity, and vaccinations. Children with Autism can and will have deficiencies in speech development, motor functioning, social development, cognitive awareness, body sensitivity, dysfunctional immune systems, and body detoxification. Many families think they have to struggle and live with this. They are unsure if there are any treatments, quality of life, learning, functioning and independence for their kids.

We will educate and inform you that autism is a treatable condition with a holistic approach. This means the best way to treat an autism patients is with  physical, chemical, and emotional modalities. Unfortunately, the conventional medical treatment for autism is to give psychotropic drugs and antidepressant drugs commonly used to treat ADD which impairs social and educational development. These medications are used to treat symptoms and alter the functioning of the nervous system. These medications do not heal the nervous system that is in the state of stress, they do not detoxify the body, and they do not facilitate the nervous system to be coordinated with the body. Using a medication to treat autism is the same as putting a piece of tape on an engine light when the engine is broken.  

Chiropractic Specialists focus on optimizing the functioning of the nervous system. Research and lab testing has proven that Autism is a condition in which the nervous system is dysfunctional, uncoordinated, and toxic. The digestive tract of an Autism patient is highly sensitive to heavy metals, additives and preservatives, or other chemicals exposed to the body on a daily basis. This causes their body and nervous system to stay in a chronic state of stress and inflammation that does not allow it to thrive.  

In our clinic, Autism is treated with care plans that address:
FIRST, finding out toxicity issues of the body with nutritional needs done by lab testing. SECOND, chiropractic and physical therapy will assist in ridding the nervous system of stress which stays in a chronic state of crisis. THIRD, physical therapy is done to give coordination to the body and nervous system to work together. FOURTH, a continual retesting with goal setting is done with the parents to have expectations and accountability for progress. FIFTH and final patients and families are referred out to multidisciplinary practices such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and behavioral therapy. Utilizing a holistic approach results in the best development of health, for the child improving their quality of life and giving them the ability to fulfill their God-given purpose.


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