Relief for Carpal Tunnel

Do you have numbness in your hand or fingers? Do you have a hard time holding things because your hand is weak? Do small repetitious movements hundreds of times a day make your wrist or arm hurt? If these previous symptoms match what you’re presently experiencing you may have Carpal Tunnel. Other conditions may cause symptoms and problems like carpal tunnel. The treatments and the solutions for all of them are pretty similar. Let’s review the anatomy first to understand it.

In the neck, nerves come out of the bones in the side of the neck called the Brachial Plexus. These nerves go underneath the collar bone and into the arm pit. Then the nerves run down the arm into the elbow then through the wrist into the hand. These nerves that come out of the neck and into the arm and hand control all the functioning of the arm and hands: oxygen and blood, sensory, and energy for muscles to contract and relax. In the wrist, there are nine little carpal bones. These bones together make an arch way. The arch way allows tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels to enter into the hand nerves. Traditional carpal tunnel occurs when the bones of the wrist form an arch way collapse. Thus, the archway is flattened. The nerves, blood vessels and muscle tendons become pinched and compressed. Unfortunately, this cannot be corrected by medication, stretching or strengthening or wearing a wrist brace. Additionally, many patients have poor success (50-60% success rate) with carpal tunnel surgery. Fake carpal tunnel can occur and give you the same symptoms and problems. 

What is fake or pseudo carpal tunnel? If you have an injury or trauma like a car accident that injures your neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist, the bones and joints most likely have misaligned and compressed the nerves. If you never treat and correct all the areas where the nerve can be compressed and pinched such as in the neck, shoulder, elbow, or wrist there will be no resolution. You will keep having numbness tingling pain and weakness.  In our clinic, we realign all the joints in the arm, shoulder and neck in addition to rehabilitating all the muscles to restore normal movement and strength

If this is you and you have carpal tunnel, for this month of November we will give you a complimentary consultation and examination with a therapy to treat and resolve your carpal tunnel if you call and schedule an appointment. Call us today so the holidays are not so miserable.


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